Candeur Group Preservation Fund [January 2020] - Affordable Housing Finance
Candeur Group Closes $100M Affordable Housing Preservation Fund [January 2020]
Candeur Group Surpasses $450M of Affordable Housing Investing [November 2019]
Merritt Capital Engages Candeur Group for Fund XX Acquisitions [March 2018]
Candeur Group CDFI Closes $6.5M Community Development Loan in Arlington, VA [December 2017]
Candeur Group CDFI Provides Financing Line to Purchase LP Interests [October 2017]
Candeur Group Closes $4.0M Community Development Loan in New York [June 2017]
Candeur Group Closes $7.6M LIHTC Syndication in Illinois [April 2017]
Candeur Group Closes $17M LIHTC Syndication in Los Angeles [April 2017]
Candeur Teams with Steven Fayne [March 2015] - Affordable Housing Finance
Candeur Group Forms Joint Venture with Steven Fayne [March 2015]
Candeur Group adds Leah Wood as Director of Portfolio and Asset Management [April 2015}
Candeur Group Adds Greg Maul as Director of Underwriting [February 2015]
Candeur Group Sponsored Fund Receives CDFI Designation [January 2015]
Candeur Group Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary [January 2015]
Affordable Investment Advisors Changes Name to Candeur Group [June 2014]
Thriving Times [February 2014] - Tax Credit Advisor
AIA Closes D.C. Property Deal [November 2013] - Affordable Housing Finance
Affordable Investment Advisors Closes Property into Opportunity Fund [November 2013]
Affordable Investment Advisors Selected as Investment Advisor and Closes Fund [July 2013]
Affordable Investment Advisors Launches LIHTC Investment Fund [June 2013]
People in the Industry [May 2013] - Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits
Industry Veterans Start New Firm [May 2013] - Tax Credit Advisor
Affordable Investment Advisors Launches Website [April 2013]
LIHTC Vets Launch Firm [March 2013] - Affordable Housing Finance
AHF Live! [November 2017] - Greg Judge scheduled to attend.
California Council for Affordable Housing Fall Conference [November 2017] - Greg Maul scheduled to attend.
Novogradac Tax Credit Finance Conference [November 2017] - Catherine Talbot scheduled to attend.
San Diego Housing Federation Annual Conference [October 2017] - Catherine Talbot in attendance.
Affordable Housing Investor Coalition Conference [October 2017] - Catherine Talbot and Greg Judge in attendance.
Opportunity Finance Network Conference [September 2017] - Catherine Talbot and Greg Judge in attendance.
NH&RA Spring Developer Conference [May 2017] - Catherine Talbot in attendance.
California Housing Consortium Policy Forum [May 2017] - Catherine Talbot in attendance.